Let's just say the blog has been neglected, time for a reboot, I'm making no promises or unrealistic schedules, I'm going for a more organic approach not say I won't be organised, I'm going to be putting ChatGPT to work using it as my digital assistant, No I don't think its some kind of cyber oracle, always check info from different sources to verify. I am doing a series of articles on uses for ChatGPT just have a little bit of research left to do. I'm posting the article ChatGPT: Your New AICompanionn for creative endeavours and Beyond, a title suggested by ChatGPT, I have titled the series ChatGPT: Your New AI Companion. I will still be diving into frontend web development, I'm going to experiment with ChatGPT, and from there I will pivot to a series focused on the web development itself, following what I learn about HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT. I still plan to educate myself in cybersecurity, at the moment I am evaluating my goals and pathways in this area but expect something soon. Then there is game development, something I have had as a goal for as long as I can remember, I m now endeavouring make this happen, I will post a blog series of my journey learning to become a game developer, read the intro to the Embarking on the Game Development Journey: From Basic Beginnings to Building a Dream Studio
The IT landscape is always changing and innovating who knows what's around the corner, always open to new technology and ideas, and there will always be something new for us to explore. as for the near future there are a few areas I want to explore, like AI/ML, Blockchain, web3, and APIs. today's new articles:
ChatGPT AI milestone?
Embarking on the Game Development Journey: From Basic Beginnings to Building a Dream Studio
ChatGPT: Your new AI companion for creative endeavours and beyond